Flight Faded Crewneck Sweatshirts / BLACK
〔商品名〕Fllight Faded Crewneck Sweatshirts / BLACK
1 2 身丈 64 65 身幅 68 69 肩幅 65 68 袖丈 61 63 (単位:cm)
- 価格は税込の表記となります。
- お支払い方法はクレジットカードによるご決済となります。
- 送料は別途頂戴いたします。数量と重さ、または同梱する商品の有無により変動致しますので、詳細はカート上にてご確認ください。
- ご注文後2-3営業日前後で発送いたします。日本国内は主にヤマト運輸、日本国外は主にFEDEXにてご発送いたします。
- 日本国外の発送の際にかかる関税はお客様にご負担いただきますのであらかじめご了承ください。
- お届け日時のご指定は出来かねますのでご何卒ご了承ください。
- - The price will be transcription without tax.
- A method of payment will be a settlement by a credit card .
- I'll have shipping charge separately. I'll fluctuate by the quantity and the weight or a presence of bundled goods, so please check it in the cart top for details.
- I'll ship off in Japan to Yamato Transport and Japan oversea in FedEX mainly mainly within 2-3 business days after your order.
- I have a customer bear the customs duties, so please accept it beforehand.
- Designation of report date and time can't be done, so please what a graduate do you consent to
When the customer who will buy at the said time rushed, automatic processing of stock interlocking system doesn't catch up, and the goods you bought are sometimes out of stock actually. I'm sorry truly, but after informing a customer of the effect more than us, I'll do cancel processing, so the case would like to ask you to accept it beforehand.